Great quality solid wood rings. Easy to set up. Strong metal clasps. Definitely worth the investment.

Workout at home with these gym rings,. These are a perfect addition to your training & enable you to complete a wide range of activities

Premium quality wooden rings with quick locking, adjustable straps so you can workout above & below the rings in just a few seconds.


Wooden Gymnastic Rings | Gym Rings For Home | Olympic Still Rings

Original price was: £79.Current price is: £49.


Wooden Gym Rings offer an ideal solution for anyone looking to enhance their fitness routine at home or explore new training methods. Robust and durable, these rings deliver top-notch functional fitness training experiences.
  • x2 Straps Inlcuded: 2.5cm wide straps | 4.3m of tough nylon strapping per ring
  • Ring Diameter – 23cm. Ring thickness – 27mm
  • Weight Capacity: 225 kg weight capacity per ring

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Original price was: £79.Current price is: £49.

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Unlock the Potential of Home Fitness with Wooden Gym Rings

For fitness enthusiasts looking for a fresh and effective way to train at home, Wooden Gym Rings offer a dynamic solution. Crafted with precision, these gym rings are not only sturdy and strong but are also designed to cater to a broad spectrum of functional fitness exercises.

Versatile and Effective Training Tool

The gym rings introduce a new dimension to home workouts, challenging your body in a way that traditional exercises cannot. These rings allow for full-body engagement, improving strength, flexibility, and balance through movements that target your core, arms, and legs.

High-Quality Design for Maximum Durability

The Wooden Gym Rings are made from high-quality wood, ensuring both durability and a comfortable grip during your workouts. Their robust design supports a wide range of exercises, from pull-ups and dips to more advanced gymnastic moves, making them suitable for all fitness levels.

Functional Fitness at Its Best

Embrace the ultimate in functional fitness training with gym rings. Whether you’re looking to enhance your workout routine or dive into gymnastic ring training for the first time, these rings provide the versatility and challenge needed to push your fitness boundaries.
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  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What makes Olympic Still Rings different from regular gym rings?

    Olympic Still Rings are designed to meet specific competition standards, typically featuring a thicker and sturdier construction with a standard internal diameter of 18 centimeters for official use.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do Gym Rings for Home improve fitness?

    Gym Rings for Home improve fitness by providing a full-body workout that enhances strength, flexibility, and balance. The instability of the rings adds intensity and engages core muscles more effectively than static gym equipment.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are Wooden Gymnastic Rings adjustable?

    Yes, Wooden Gymnastic Rings typically come with adjustable straps that allow you to change the height of the rings easily, making them suitable for users of different heights and exercise types.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do Wooden Gymnastic Rings compare to metal rings?

    Wooden Gymnastic Rings offer better grip, especially when hands are sweaty, and have a warmer, more natural feel compared to metal rings, which can feel cold and slippery but may offer greater durability in outdoor conditions.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How much do Wooden Gymnastic Rings cost?

    Wooden Gymnastic Rings typically range in price from $30 to $100, depending on the quality of the wood, the durability of the straps, and any additional features like quick-release buckles.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are the environmental considerations of using Wooden Gymnastic Rings?

    Using Wooden Gymnastic Rings typically has low environmental impact, especially if the wood is sustainably sourced and treated with eco-friendly products. They offer a natural, biodegradable option compared to synthetic alternatives.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are the long-term benefits of training with Wooden Gymnastic Rings?

    Long-term benefits of training with Wooden Gymnastic Rings include improved muscular strength, enhanced coordination, increased joint stability, and greater overall body control, which are critical for athletic performance and everyday activities.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are the benefits of training with Olympic Still Rings compared to traditional gym equipment?

    Training with Olympic Still Rings provides greater neuromuscular challenge, engages stabilizing muscles, enhances proprioceptive abilities, and develops grip strength beyond what traditional gym equipment can offer.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there different strap options for Wooden Gymnastic Rings?

    Straps for Wooden Gymnastic Rings come in various lengths and widths, with some featuring markings for easy adjustments and others made from materials like nylon for enhanced durability.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are Gym Rings for Home suitable for seniors?

    Seniors can use Gym Rings for Home with exercises tailored to their fitness level. Low-impact exercises can improve flexibility, balance, and strength, but should always be performed under professional guidance.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are the space requirements for installing Gym Rings for Home?

    The space required should be enough to allow free movement around the rings, typically a clear radius of at least 6 feet around and above the rings to perform exercises safely.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do I install Gym Rings for Home?

    Install Gym Rings for Home by securing their straps to a strong overhead support like ceiling beams or a pull-up bar, ensuring they are firmly fixed to prevent any accidents during use.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How durable are Gym Rings for Home?

    Gym Rings for Home made from high-quality wood or composite materials are extremely durable and capable of supporting weights up to 600 pounds, ensuring safety and longevity.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How portable are Olympic Still Rings?

    Olympic Still Rings are highly portable, especially models with detachable straps and rings. They can be easily packed and set up, making them ideal for athletes on the move.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What exercises can I perform with Olympic Still Rings?

    Exercises you can perform with Olympic Still Rings include pull-ups, dips, muscle-ups, front and back levers, and more, all contributing to improved upper body strength and core stability.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is the ideal diameter for Olympic Still Rings?

    The ideal diameter for Olympic Still Rings is typically 28 millimeters, which provides a standard grip suitable for both training and competition in gymnastics.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can children use Olympic Still Rings?

    Children can use Olympic Still Rings under supervision if they are adjusted to a lower height. Ensure the exercise area is safe, and the rings are installed securely to support the child’s weight.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How can Olympic Still Rings enhance a professional athlete’s training?

    Olympic Still Rings provide professional athletes with a platform to perform high-intensity, compound movements that build functional strength and precision required for elite sports performance.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can Olympic Still Rings be used outdoors?

    Olympic Still Rings can be used outdoors if they are made from weather-resistant materials, but wooden rings should be protected from moisture and extreme temperatures to prevent warping.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can beginners use Gym Rings for Home?

    Yes, beginners can use Gym Rings for Home by starting with basic exercises and gradually progressing to more advanced movements as they build strength and confidence.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do I care for my Wooden Gymnastic Rings?

    Care for your Wooden Gymnastic Rings by storing them in a dry environment, regularly checking for wear on the straps, and lightly sanding the wood if it becomes rough, to maintain a smooth finish.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What are Wooden Gymnastic Rings used for?

    Wooden Gymnastic Rings are versatile tools for strength training and bodyweight exercises, widely used in gymnastics and fitness routines to enhance muscle strength and coordination.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I install Gym Rings for Home in an apartment?

    Installing Gym Rings in an apartment is possible if there is a solid installation point like exposed beams or if temporary doorway mounts are used. Always ensure stability and safety to prevent damage to property and personal injury.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What safety tips should be followed when using Wooden Gymnastic Rings?

    Always ensure the rings and straps are securely fastened and routinely check for any signs of wear or damage. Use a proper mat beneath the rings to reduce the risk of injury if you fall.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can Gym Rings for Home be used by professional gymnasts?

    Yes, Gym Rings for Home can be used by professional gymnasts for off-site training and routine practice, provided they meet the necessary safety and quality standards.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What kind of workouts can be done with Wooden Gymnastic Rings?

    Workouts with Wooden Gymnastic Rings can range from basic exercises for beginners to complex sequences for advanced athletes, including strength training, conditioning, and aerial maneuvers.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is the weight capacity of Gym Rings for Home?

    The weight capacity of Gym Rings for Home depends on the material and build quality, but most high-quality rings can support anywhere from 400 to 800 pounds.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are Wooden Gymnastic Rings better than plastic or metal rings?

    Wooden Gymnastic Rings are preferred for their natural grip and aesthetic. They are less slippery than plastic or metal when sweaty, making them ideal for rigorous training sessions.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What ceiling height is needed for installing Gym Rings for Home?

    A minimum ceiling height of around 10 feet is recommended for installing Gym Rings for Home, which allows adequate room for hanging and performing various exercises.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Olympic Still Rings require special equipment for installation?

    Installing Olympic Still Rings may require mounting brackets, a drill for securing brackets if installing on beams, and possibly extension straps depending on the installation height and location.

Elevate Your Fitness Journey: The Ultimate Guide to Wooden Gymnastic Rings

In the realm of strength training and body conditioning, wooden gymnastic rings stand out as a versatile and effective tool, beloved by fitness enthusiasts and professional athletes alike. Whether you’re setting up a gym at home or incorporating new elements into your workout routine, gym rings for home use offer a blend of challenge and fun that few other pieces of equipment can match. This comprehensive guide dives into the world of Olympic still rings and how you can leverage their benefits to elevate your fitness journey.

Why Choose Wooden Gymnastic Rings?

Wooden gymnastic rings offer unparalleled grip and comfort, making them the preferred choice for athletes around the world. Their natural texture provides a secure hold, reducing the risk of slipping and the need for excessive chalk. Moreover, the wooden material absorbs sweat, ensuring a safer and more comfortable workout experience. Whether you’re performing pull-ups, dips, or more complex routines like those seen on the Olympic still rings, wooden rings deliver both performance and aesthetic appeal to your training setup.

Setting Up Your Gym Rings For Home Use

Installing gym rings for home is straightforward, requiring only a sturdy anchor point such as a beam, tree branch, or specially designed brackets. The key is to ensure the anchor point can safely support your weight and the dynamic nature of ring exercises. Adjustable straps are a feature of most rings, allowing you to easily change the height and challenge of your workouts, catering to exercises ranging from beginner to advanced levels.

Benefits of Training with Wooden Gymnastic Rings

The advantages of incorporating wooden gymnastic rings into your workout routine are vast:

  • Full-Body Workout: Gymnastic ring exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, offering a comprehensive workout that builds strength, increases flexibility, and enhances coordination.
  • Core Strengthening: Almost every exercise on the rings requires core engagement, making them an excellent tool for building a strong, stable core.
  • Scalability: With gym rings for home, beginners can perform modified versions of exercises, while advanced users can challenge themselves with more difficult maneuvers, making the rings a long-term investment in your fitness journey.
  • Portability: Unlike bulky gym equipment, wooden gymnastic rings are lightweight and portable, allowing you to take your workout outdoors or on the road.

Choosing the Right Wooden Gymnastic Rings

When shopping for gym rings for home, consider the following features to find the perfect set for your needs:

  • Strap Quality: Look for rings that come with durable, high-strength straps and secure locking mechanisms to ensure safety during your workouts.
  • Ring Diameter: The standard diameter for Olympic still rings is 1.1 inches (28mm), which fits most hand sizes comfortably. However, some prefer thicker rings for a different grip challenge.
  • Load Capacity: Ensure the rings and straps can support your weight and the intensity of your exercises. Most quality wooden rings are designed to handle significant load capacities, suitable for users of all sizes.

Maintaining Your Wooden Gymnastic Rings

To keep your wooden gymnastic rings in top condition, store them in a dry environment to prevent warping or swelling of the wood. If they become dirty, wipe them down with a damp cloth and allow them to air dry. Regular inspections of the rings and straps for signs of wear or damage can help maintain their integrity and safety.


Wooden gymnastic rings offer a dynamic and effective way to enhance your fitness regime, providing benefits that few other pieces of equipment can match. Whether you’re aspiring to the prowess displayed on the Olympic still rings or simply looking to add a new dimension to your gym at home, investing in a set of quality wooden rings is a step toward achieving your fitness goals. Explore our selection of premium gym rings for home use today and start your journey towards a stronger, more agile, and more balanced you.


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