Really enjoy the stability, versatility, and weight of the golf practice mat. It’s very steady and doesn’t move while striking the ball, the rubber backing grips well and doesn’t seem to leave traces on floors

The high-quality synthetic turf of the golf driving mat closely simulates the texture & resistance of grass on the golf course, providing an authentic practice environment

Our golf mat is backed with a robust rubber base that ensures excellent shock absorption across all conditions. It’s designed to be non-slip, odor-resistant, & withstand the wear & tear of frequent practice, providing a stable platform for every shot


Golf Mats | Mat For Golf | Golf Driving Mat

Original price was: £99.Current price is: £79.


Elevate your training experience with our all-inclusive golf hitting mat package, designed to bring the golf course into your home or backyard.

This package is carefully assembled to cater to both beginners and seasoned golfers, offering a variety of tools to practice different aspects of your game.


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  • 1 Golf Hitting Mat: A cornerstone for any golfer looking to refine their swings and shots.
  • 1 Rubber Tee: Durable and flexible, perfect for driving practice.
  • 3 Plastic Tees (38mm): Ideal for practicing with irons and low-profile woods.
  • 3 Plastic Tees (70mm): Great for mid-range woods and drivers.
  • 3 Plastic Tees (83mm): The best choice for practicing your drives with maximum elevation.
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Original price was: £99.Current price is: £79.

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Premium Synthetic Turf

Experience the feel of a real fairway or tee box with our 16 mm true-turf surface. The high-quality synthetic turf closely simulates the texture and resistance of grass on the golf course, providing an authentic practice environment.

Ultra Sturdy Rubber Backing

Our golf mat is backed with a robust rubber base that ensures excellent shock absorption across all conditions. It’s designed to be non-slip, odor-resistant, and withstand the wear and tear of frequent practice, providing a stable platform for every shot.

True Turf Feeling & Real Practice

The realistic feel of our synthetic turf not only mimics the conditions of a real golf course but also helps in conducting practical exercises effectively. Whether you’re working on your swing, adjusting your stance, or practicing your shots, our mat delivers a true-to-life golfing experience.
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    How long does a Golf Driving Mat typically last?

    The lifespan of a Golf Driving Mat depends on the frequency of use and quality of maintenance but generally lasts from 3 to 5 years under regular use.

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    How do Golf Mats compare to natural grass for practice?

    While Golf Mats provide convenience and year-round practice options, natural grass offers variability that can help refine adaptation skills. However, mats are excellent for focusing on consistency and technique refinement.

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    How much does a typical Golf Mat cost?

    A typical Golf Mat can range from $50 for basic models to over $300 for high-end versions designed for serious golfers, with features that closely mimic real turf conditions.

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    How do I choose a Golf Mat for a small space?

    For small spaces, choose a compact Golf Mat or a roll-up model that can be easily stored away. Look for features like return tracks for putting to maximize the functionality of the mat in limited areas.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What is the best way to set up a Golf Driving Mat at home?

    The best way to set up a Golf Driving Mat at home is to place it on a flat, stable surface with enough room to safely swing a club and, if possible, use additional nets or padding to protect surroundings.

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    Do Mats for Golf reduce injury risks?

    Mats for Golf can reduce injury risks by providing a softer surface for swings compared to hard surfaces, thus lessening the impact on your joints and reducing strain.

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    Are there specific Mats for Golf designed for driving and putting?

    Yes, there are specific Mats for Golf designed for driving with sturdier build and longer turf, and putting mats that are smoother and flatter, each tailored to the specific skills being practiced.

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    What are Golf Mats used for?

    Golf Mats are used to simulate the conditions of a golf course, making them ideal for practicing swings and drives in various settings like home, office, or driving ranges.

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    Can multiple players use a Golf Mat at the same time?

    Larger Golf Mats can accommodate multiple players, especially during drills or instructional sessions, making them ideal for coaches or teams looking to maximize practice efficiency.

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    Do Golf Mats need special care in colder climates?

    In colder climates, it’s important to store Golf Mats indoors when not in use to prevent damage from freezing temperatures, which can make the material brittle and prone to cracking.

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    Do Golf Mats feel like real turf?

    While Golf Mats can’t replicate every aspect of real turf, the best ones are designed to provide a close approximation with realistic texture and resistance that helps improve your swing and stance.

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    How effective are portable Golf Driving Mats?

    Portable Golf Driving Mats are highly effective for practice, offering flexibility to train anywhere. They typically feature condensed versions of larger mats but still provide adequate surface area for effective training.

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    What warranty do Golf Driving Mats usually come with?

    Golf Driving Mats typically come with a warranty ranging from 6 months to a few years, covering manufacturing defects or premature wear under normal usage conditions.

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    What materials are used in high-quality Golf Mats?

    High-quality Golf Mats are typically made from dense synthetic grass that mimics the feel of real turf, backed with rubber or foam for added durability and shock absorption.

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    What are the benefits of using a Golf Driving Mat?

    Using a Golf Driving Mat protects your lawn from damage and provides a consistent surface for practice, improving your game by allowing you to focus on technique regardless of weather conditions.

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    How do I maintain my Golf Mat?

    Maintain your Golf Mat by regularly cleaning it with water and mild soap, brushing the fibers to keep them standing upright, and storing it away from direct sunlight when not in use to prevent wear and fading.

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    Can Golf Mats be used indoors?

    Yes, Golf Mats are versatile and can be used indoors, provided there is sufficient space to safely swing a golf club, making them perfect for year-round practice.

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    Can Golf Mats damage golf clubs?

    Quality Golf Mats are designed to be gentle on clubs, but very stiff mats or improper swinging techniques could potentially lead to wear or damage on your clubs over time.

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    What is the return policy typically like for Golf Mats?

    The return policy for Golf Mats varies by retailer but usually allows returns within a specific period if the product doesn’t meet expectations, though conditions like wear or damage may affect eligibility.

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    What sizes do Mats for Golf come in?

    Mats for Golf come in various sizes, typically ranging from small portable mats of about 3 feet x 5 feet to larger studio-sized mats that can be 5 feet x 10 feet or more.

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    Are Golf Driving Mats weather resistant?

    Many Golf Driving Mats are designed to be weather-resistant, made with UV protection and moisture-resistant materials to withstand outdoor conditions.

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    What are the signs a Golf Mat needs replacement?

    Signs a Golf Mat needs replacement include noticeable wear such as thinning grass, tears, or significant fading, which can affect the playability and effectiveness of your practice sessions.

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    What is the best Golf Mat for beginners?

    The best Golf Mat for beginners is one that offers good value, durability, and a realistic turf feel, helping new golfers develop their skills without the intimidation of a real course.

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    Can Golf Mats be customized?

    Some manufacturers offer customization options for Golf Mats, allowing size, shape, and feature adjustments to suit personal or professional needs, making your practice setup as useful as possible.

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    How do I choose the right Mat for Golf?

    Choose the right Mat for Golf based on size, material quality, and durability. Look for mats that offer realistic turf feel and have features like tee holes and shock absorption.

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    Are Golf Mats suitable for professional training?

    Yes, Golf Mats are suitable for professional training, especially those designed to mimic various course conditions and equipped with features that aid in skill development.

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    Can Golf Mats help improve my handicap?

    Regular practice on Golf Mats can help improve your handicap by allowing you to consistently work on your swing, stance, and hitting technique, leading to better performance on the course.

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    What features do advanced Golf Mats include?

    Advanced Golf Mats may include features like different turf textures to simulate rough and fairway conditions, shock-absorbent layers, and even integrated technology for performance tracking.

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    Can I use real golf tees on a Golf Driving Mat?

    Some Golf Driving Mats are designed with holes or integrated tee systems that allow the use of real golf tees, offering a more authentic practice experience by accommodating different types of shots.

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    Are there eco-friendly options for Mats for Golf?

    Yes, there are eco-friendly options available that use recycled materials for the backing and biodegradable or recycled fibers for the turf, minimizing the environmental impact.

Perfect Your Swing: A Comprehensive Guide to Golf Mats

Golf is a game of precision, where every element of play—from the grip of your club to the stance you take—plays a crucial role in the game’s outcome. For golfers seeking to refine their swing or simply enjoy the game year-round, golf mats emerge as essential equipment. Whether you’re setting up a practice area at home or enhancing a professional space, selecting the right mat for golf can significantly impact your play quality and training effectiveness. This guide delves into everything you need to know about golf driving mats, ensuring you make an informed choice to suit your golfing needs.

The Importance of Golf Mats

A high-quality golf mat replicates the feel of real turf, providing a reliable platform for practice. These mats are designed to absorb the shock of the club hitting the ground, offering protection for your clubs and reducing the risk of injury. With a mat for golf, you can practice your swing, improve your stance, and work on your shot accuracy without the need to access a golf course.

Choosing the Right Golf Mat

Selecting the appropriate golf driving mat involves considering several key factors to ensure it meets your specific needs:

  • Size and Portability: Consider the space where you plan to use the mat. Options range from compact models for small spaces to larger mats offering a full stance setup. Portability is also essential if you plan to move or store the mat frequently.
  • Material Quality: The best golf mats mimic the texture and resistance of real grass, made from durable, high-quality materials that withstand repeated use. Look for mats that offer a balance of firmness and flexibility to simulate a real course feel.
  • Tee Compatibility: Many golfers prefer mats that allow for the use of real tees, offering a more authentic practice experience. Ensure the golf driving mat you choose accommodates this feature if it’s important to your practice routine.
  • Shock Absorption: Effective shock absorption is crucial to prevent injury and protect your clubs. A good mat will absorb the force of the swing, providing a comfortable and safe practice environment.

Maximizing Your Practice with a Golf Mat

To get the most out of your golf mat, integrate it into a comprehensive practice routine that includes:

  • Consistency: Regular practice on your mat can help refine your swing and improve muscle memory.
  • Diverse Shot Practice: Use your mat for golf to practice a range of shots, adjusting your stance and swing to mimic various course conditions.
  • Feedback Analysis: Pay attention to the feel of each shot and how the ball reacts. Some advanced mats offer feedback mechanisms to help improve your accuracy and technique.

Caring for Your Golf Mat

Proper care will extend the lifespan of your golf driving mat and ensure it remains effective for practice. Keep your mat clean from debris, store it properly when not in use, and avoid exposure to extreme weather conditions to maintain its condition.

Why Choose Our Golf Mats?

Our selection of golf mats is curated to meet the needs of golfers at all levels. From beginners looking to set up their first home practice area to seasoned golfers seeking to refine their technique, we offer a variety of golf driving mats designed for durability, realistic play, and effective training. Explore our collection to find the perfect mat to enhance your game and practice with confidence.


A golf mat is more than just an accessory; it’s a tool that can transform your practice sessions and elevate your game. By choosing the right mat for golf, you’re investing in your golfing future, enabling year-round practice regardless of weather or access to a course. Embrace the journey to golfing excellence with the perfect golf driving mat by your side.


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