The Premier Home Sports Supplier In The UK

Portable, Foldable, Adjustable Sports Equipment For At Home. Easy to Set Up and Durable.

All of our home sports products come with easy to follow instructions of how to set them up. No experience needed.

If you have any questions then please call us / email us and a member of our professional team will be able to help you.

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Portable Sports Equipment For At Home

The Outdoor Sports Company UK remains true to its origin, providing only the best portable, foldable, adjustable sports equipment for the whole family. As one of the leading brands in the industry, The Outdoor Sports Company UK continues to insist on offering the best quality that is available. Our adjustable foldable portable sports equipment is light and super easy to set up.

Suitable for a multitude of different locations and age groups, Our products are ideal for families and basically anyone who enjoys a bit of outdoors activity. We believe it is paramount for people to get away from their laptops and smartphones for some healthy outdoors fun. The lockdown has had a bad effect on our lifestyle. So invest in your health and that of your family and order today!



We offer a wide arrangement of sporting goods for use at home and the campsite. Our products are easy to install and user friendly. We target families and people of all age groups that enjoy a wide variety of games and sports.



Yes, we all know it. We all spend too much time indoors glued to our screens and our monitors. And all the lockdowns haven’t exactely helped. A lot of us have gained some kilos and our children have been bereft of the joy of engaging in sports with their friends. Make up for lost time a invest in the physical health of your family and yourself.



ow does it work for other sports? The key is the free height adjustments from 34 to 61 inches, 4 ft or 4ft, and colour.



Engaging in sport has many benefits, and it’s not all physical. When it comes to kids, engaging in sport can help to create habits and health benefits that last long into adulthood. According to Irelands’s Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines children aged 5–12 years should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity every day. Some of this will occur at school each day, but it’s important to remember that the more physical activity kids engage in the better.



It should be noted that our products are for recreational use only. Outdoor Sports Ireland specializes in high quality userfriendly sports equipment for amateurs and beginners. Professionals and those looking for high-end products probably ought to look elsewhere.


outdoor sports company uk
  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there Sports Equipment options for children?

    Absolutely! Sports Goods Shops offer a wide range of equipment specifically designed for children, ensuring safety and suitability for young athletes.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How can I ensure I'm buying the most durable Sports Equipment?

    Seek advice from the expert staff at Sporting Good Stores, read product reviews, and choose equipment from reputable brands known for their durability.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Is it possible to find Sports Equipment for less common sports?

    Specialized Sporting Good Stores often stock equipment for less common sports, ensuring enthusiasts of all activities can find the gear they need.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do I choose the right size when buying Sports Equipment?

    Utilize the fitting services offered by many Sporting Good Stores or consult their size charts and guides to ensure you select the right size for your sports equipment.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there any benefits to buying Sports Equipment from a brick-and-mortar store vs. online?

    Shopping in a brick-and-mortar store allows for hands-on testing, personalized fitting, and expert advice, providing benefits that online shopping can’t always match.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I find sports nutrition products at a Sports Goods Shop?

    Many Sports Goods Shops now carry a range of sports nutrition products, including supplements, energy bars, and hydration solutions to support your athletic performance.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do I choose the right Sports Equipment for my needs?

    Visit a Sporting Goods Store and consult with knowledgeable staff who can recommend equipment based on your sport, skill level, and goals, ensuring you make an informed choice.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Sports Goods Shops offer guides on how to choose and use my equipment?

    Many stores provide buying guides, in-store workshops, and expert advice to help you choose and use your equipment effectively, enhancing your sporting experience.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Sports Goods Shops offer international shipping for online purchases?

    While policies vary, many online Sports Goods Shops offer international shipping options, allowing you to get your preferred sports equipment from anywhere.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I find accessories for my sports equipment at a Sporting Good Store?

    Absolutely! From maintenance tools, protective gear, to performance-enhancing accessories, you’ll find a wide array of accessories to complement your sports equipment.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Sports Equipment stores offer repair services?

    Some Sporting Good Stores offer repair services for certain types of equipment, extending the life of your gear and ensuring it remains in top condition.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Is it possible to get custom-fitted sports equipment at a Sports Goods Shop?

    Many Sports Goods Shops offer custom fitting services for equipment like shoes, helmets, and racquets, ensuring a perfect fit for optimal performance and safety.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there sustainable practices in the production of Sports Equipment sold in stores?

    Increasingly, Sports Goods Shops are sourcing products made with sustainable practices, offering environmentally friendly options to conscious consumers.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Is online shopping available for Sports Equipment?

    Many Sporting Good Stores offer online shopping options, complete with detailed product descriptions, customer reviews, and online support for a convenient shopping experience.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Are there eco-friendly Sports Equipment options available?

    Yes, many Sports Goods Shops now offer eco-friendly equipment options, made from sustainable materials, catering to environmentally conscious athletes.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Sporting Good Stores offer equipment for niche sports?

    Certainly! Alongside mainstream sports, Sporting Good Stores cater to niche sports enthusiasts, offering specialized equipment for activities like rock climbing, water sports, and more.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I find team uniforms at a Sports Goods Shop?

    Yes, Sports Goods Shops frequently offer team uniforms and customizable apparel services, catering to schools, clubs, and recreational teams.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What can I find at a Sports Goods Shop?

    Find everything from fitness gear, team sports equipment, outdoor recreational products to athletic apparel. A one-stop shop for all your athletic needs, catering to both amateurs and professionals.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I find instructional books or videos at a Sports Goods Shop?

    Yes, alongside physical equipment, many Sports Goods Shops offer a range of instructional materials, including books and videos, to help improve your skills and understanding of the sport.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Sports Goods Shops offer discounts or loyalty programs?

    Most Sports Goods Shops offer discounts, seasonal sales, and loyalty programs, providing savings and exclusive benefits to frequent shoppers.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Sports Equipment stores provide warranties on their products?

    Reputable Sports Goods Shops typically offer manufacturer warranties on their products, providing peace of mind and protection for your investment.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I find high-quality branded sports equipment in a Sports Goods Shop?

    Yes, top Sports Goods Shops stock an extensive selection of high-quality, branded equipment from leading manufacturers, ensuring durability and performance.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How often do Sports Goods Shops update their inventory?

    Leading Sports Goods Shops frequently update their inventory to include the latest releases and advancements in sports technology, keeping you at the forefront of your game.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Sports Goods Shops sell gift cards?

    Most Sports Goods Shops offer gift cards, making them a perfect present for the sports enthusiasts in your life, giving them the freedom to choose their ideal equipment.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How can I stay informed about new arrivals at my local Sports Goods Shop?

    Sign up for newsletters, follow the shop on social media, or regularly visit their website to stay updated on new arrivals and the latest in sports equipment.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I rent sports equipment from a Sporting Goods Store?

    Some Sporting Good Stores offer rental services for seasonal or expensive equipment, allowing you to try before you buy or enjoy a sport without a long-term commitment.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    How do I know if a Sports Goods Shop is reputable?

    Look for shops with positive customer reviews, a wide product selection, knowledgeable staff, and strong after-sales support to ensure a reputable shopping experience.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    What should I consider when buying sports equipment for a child?

    Consider safety, adjustability for growth, and the child’s interest level. Many Sporting Good Stores offer youth-sized equipment and can advise on the best options.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Do Sporting Good Stores cater to professional athletes?

    Professional athletes can find high-performance sports equipment, specialized gear, and custom fitting services at top Sporting Good Stores, catering to their advanced needs.

  • image/svg+xmlimage/svg+xml
    Can I find both indoor and outdoor sports equipment in a Sports Goods Shop?

    Absolutely! Whether you’re looking for indoor fitness gear or outdoor adventure equipment, a well-stocked Sports Goods Shop will have you covered.

Navigating the World of Sports Equipment: Your Ultimate Guide to Sporting Goods Stores

In the dynamic and diverse universe of sports, the right equipment is not just an accessory but a necessity that can significantly enhance performance, ensure safety, and increase the overall enjoyment of the game. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a weekend warrior, the quest for quality sports equipment leads you to the doors of sporting goods stores. These temples of fitness and fun are more than just retail spaces; they are gateways to new adventures, personal bests, and the joy of physical activity. This blog post is your comprehensive guide to navigating sports goods shops, ensuring you make informed decisions about the gear that can transform your sporting journey.

The Importance of Quality Sports Equipment

The right sports equipment can make a world of difference in your athletic endeavors. High-quality gear is designed to meet specific athletic requirements, offering the right support, durability, and technology to aid your performance. Moreover, it plays a crucial role in injury prevention, providing the necessary protection to keep you safe during physical activity. But with an overwhelming variety of brands, models, and types of equipment available, where does one begin? The answer lies in finding a reputable sporting goods store that can cater to your individual needs.

What to Look for in a Sporting Goods Store

1. Variety and Selection: A top-tier sporting goods store offers a wide range of products across different sports, catering to various skill levels and preferences. Whether you’re into mainstream sports like football and basketball or niche activities like rock climbing and water polo, the right store should have you covered.

2. Expertise and Knowledge: The staff at a quality sports goods shop should be knowledgeable about the products they sell. They can offer valuable advice on what equipment best suits your needs based on your skill level, goals, and budget.

3. Quality Brands: Look for stores that stock reputable brands known for their quality and durability. While premium sports equipment may come with a higher price tag, the investment often pays off in terms of performance and longevity.

4. Personalized Services: Some sporting goods stores offer personalized services such as custom fittings for shoes, racquets, and other equipment, ensuring that your gear fits perfectly and enhances your performance.

5. Competitive Pricing and Promotions: Good sports equipment stores offer competitive pricing and run regular promotions and discounts. Joining loyalty programs can also provide access to exclusive deals and early sale notifications.

The Rise of Online Sports Goods Shops

The digital revolution has transformed the way we shop for sports equipment. Online sports goods shops offer the convenience of browsing and purchasing from the comfort of your home. Many online stores provide comprehensive product descriptions, customer reviews, and even virtual fitting tools to help make your shopping experience seamless. However, the tactile experience of physically inspecting and trying out equipment is something to consider before making a purchase, especially for items that require a precise fit.

Ensuring You Choose the Right Equipment

1. Research: Before visiting a sports goods shop, do your research. Read reviews, watch tutorials, and even consult with coaches or experienced athletes to understand what equipment you need.

2. Try Before You Buy: Whenever possible, test the equipment. This is especially important for items like shoes, gloves, or any gear that needs to fit your body comfortably and correctly.

3. Consider Second-Hand: For expensive items or sports you’re trying out, consider purchasing second-hand equipment from reputable sources. Many stores offer pre-owned, high-quality gear at a fraction of the cost.

4. After-Sales Support: Inquire about return policies, warranties, and after-sales services. Knowing you can count on the store for support after your purchase can give you peace of mind.


Embarking on or continuing your sporting journey requires the right partner in the form of reliable sports equipment. Sporting goods stores, whether brick-and-mortar establishments or online platforms, are invaluable resources in this quest. By focusing on variety, expertise, quality, and personalized services, you can find the gear that not only meets your physical requirements but also inspires and pushes you towards your athletic goals. Remember, in the world of sports, the right equipment is not just about playing the game; it’s about elevating it.